Главная/Legal services (legal aid of the lawyer) in Vladivostok

Legal services (legal aid of the lawyer) to citizens and legal entities in Vladivostok

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Legal services (legal aid of the lawyer) to citizens and legal entities

in Vladivostok

Civil law:

  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • drawing up any legal documents, including statements of claim, complaints, petitions;
  • development of civil contracts;
  • legal forecast of judicial proceedings;
  • representation of interests in court on resulting from civil court disputes (including loan agreements, donation, purchase and sale of real estate, credit and other contracts; contest of transactions, compensation for damage).

Corporate law:

  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • development of constituent documents and registration of any commercial and noncommercial legal entities (including public and nonpublic corporations, with and without involvement of foreign capital);
  • preparation of documents and carrying out the transactions connected with alienation/stock acquisition - in joint-stock societies, a share – in limited liability company;
  • development of projects of general meeting of founders; preparation of recommendations for carrying out general meeting, registration of its results;
  • judicial protection of the rights of the shareholder, participant of limited liability company: appeal of transactions on alienation of actions/share in authorized capital, appeal of solutions of general meeting, decisions of executive and administrative branches.

Family law:

  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • drawing up statements of claim regarding divorce, common property, collecting of alimony, resolution of child custody.
  • preparing of marriage contracts, agreements on marital property division; agreements on payment of alimony;
  • representation of interests of the principal in lawsuits regarding divorce, dividing of marital property, collecting alimony; in disputes related to children education. 

Housing right:

  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • support of transactions with real estate;
  • drawing up statements of claim, complaints, statements for recognition of the property right, right of use on the dwelling (the apartment, the room, a house); including eviction from illegally occupied premises;
  • participation in the lawsuits following from housing legal relationship


  • consultation on questions of acceptance, registration, refusal of succession;
  • drawing up statements of claim regarding invalid will recognition, acceptance of succession;
  • representation of interests of the principal in court on the affairs connected with laws of succession, protection of the rights of successors.

Labor law:

  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • development of the internal documents of the organization connected with the labor relations (including: employment contracts, duty regulations, policies and procedures);
  • representation of interests of the worker in court on questions: appeal of orders, orders of the employer; reinstatement in work, collecting the earned but not paid salaries and benefits;
  • protection (including judicial) of the employer from the unfair worker.

Administrative law:

  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • representation of interests of the principal by hearing of cases by the administrative commissions, in court.

Criminal law:

  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • representation of interests of the victim, witness at preliminary investigation, in court;
  • protection of economic interests in criminal cases, including in preliminary investigation, in court.


  • consultation (oral, written, by phone);
  • definition of judicial outcome options of economic dispute;
  • representation of interests of the principal judicially, participation in negotiations with contractors;
  • drawing up procedural documents, including: the statement of claim, a response to the claim, the petition for acquaintance with case papers, for adjournment of court session, for carrying out examination;
  • drawing up draft of the settlement agreement;
  • preparation and submission of appeals, cessation, following up on complaint;
  • representation of interests of the principal in arbitration court, including, in appeal, cessation instances.
пн-пт: с 9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс: выходной
г. Владивосток, Алеутская, 11-603
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